Welcome to my Blogg

My e-mail address is: [email protected]

Tel No. +46 859251565 Mobile: +46 70 5251565

I apologize for the advertising you may see in my Blogg. They have a tendency to pop up now and then completely out of my control.

Who am I?

In 1990,after 42 years as pilot,military and commercial, I retired as captain from Scandinavian Airlines System, where I also worked as Flight Instructor, Chief Pilot and CAA inspector.

I have studied psychology at Stockholm University, Human Factors at Cranfield University and have been a speaker at Human Factors Seminars inTokyo, Sydney, Washington, Boston, Brussels, Dublin, Rome, Bahrain, Lausanne and Montreal.

I am certified by the Swedish CAA to conduct seminars for pilots on Human Performance and Limitations and am now working as a Human Factors consultant in Sweden. I have conducted Human Factors courses for thousands of pilots from all over the world. I have also had the pleasure to present my LOOP®-courses for maritime captains and pilots.

Since 1984 I have been responsible for Human Factors education for SAS captains. In1993 IATA asked me to join their Human Factors Working Group and I was selected as a member of the ICAO Human Factors Study Group, and The RoyalAeronautical Society CRM Working Group .

Here are some of the companies which have been my customers.

Flight Safety Foundation, Scandinavian Airlines System SAS,Airline Pilot Association U.S.A. IATA and ICAO, The Swedish CAA, SAS Flight Academy, Royal Jordanian, Alitalia, LTU Süd, Air France, TAROM, Lufthansa,Civil Aviation Flying College in China and the Chinese CAA.Czechoslovak Airline, Saudi Arabian Airlines,The Swedish Industry of Nuclear Power, North American Institute of Aviation, Merediana Italy, Transwede Airways, MalmöAviation, CityJet Dublin, SAAB-SCANIA Corporate Flight dep. Braathens SAFE,Kuwait Airforce and also Marine Captains and Pilots. I have given lectures to medical doctors and nurses and a two days course for “AT läkare” in Norrköping.For some years I have lectured and am still lecturing at Swedish Universities for students studying Human Factors.


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